This song has quite a few firsts in it. It is the first finished song using both my SammichSID and Ableton Live. It is also the first song after the birth of my son. I entitled it Hello World for those very reasons. Sort of a triple meaning I suppose. I always like to epic inspiring titles but I think this one fits just as well. Hard to believe I have not released a song since 2007 but I hope this is the start of many more! To that end, I will admit that I was a bit eager to release this one. I could have continued to tinker but I think it is good where it is and I want to see if I can keep my creative juices flowing. Besides, it is easy to tinker on songs ad infinitum and that is not necessarily a good thing. In any case, I hope you find the song as enjoyable as it was to create. If not, well, that is ok too.
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