Tag: MissSaigon

Building From Bedrock 1K

This intro was created for the Assembly summer 2024 1K intro competition, where it placed 1st. Since this was the first time one of my kids came along, I was inspired by one of their favourite games :) The music was made by Miss Saigon on a very limited size and time budget.

You can watch the intro on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/yDIRSU-8coQ

For feedback, the Pouet page is here: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=97442

If you have a fast enough Nvidia video card, you can run the executable yourself, download it from here .

Warning: Windows Defender doesn’t like the 1K assembler magic that is needed to create this, and will report it as a virus (and delete the exe). You might want to download it in a folder that is excluded from the virus scanning.