Regression 8K

Regression by Fulcrum 2014-04-20 05-01-04-11
This is our contribution to the Revision 2014 8K democompo. It’s a single-effect intro with reverse fluid dynamics. It needs a very powerful videocard to run at 60 FPS, which is necessary to stay in sync with the music, as frames can’t be skipped.

Download it here: Regression 8K by Fulcrum

You can watch it on youtube here:

Frozen Light 4K

4KShader_1360x768 2013-12-28 10-58-56-69Here is Frozen Light, our quick 4K contribution to TUM 2013! Featuring raymarched procedural snowflakes and a nice Tchaikovsky-inspired soundtrack.
Download the archive: Frozen Light by Fulcrum

And The Soundcard Isn’t Great Either

This is a party-coded executable gfx for the Demodays 2013 surprise compo. The topic was “This app can’t open. The screen resolution is too low for ‘Music’ to run.” Not having a Windows 8 tablet, I started wondering just how low-res your computing device had to be to justify such an error… I aimed for a 1K, but stopped 96 byte short, not wanting to cut features nor converting everything to assembler. Here’s the executable: AndTheSoundcardIsntGreatEither_by_Fulcrum


This is our 1K entry for Assembly 2013. It placed 5th out of 13 entries. I had a lot of fun making this.
WARNING: for the party version, you need a very fast graphics card and vsync enabled to see (and hear) this intro correctly. It should run about 68 seconds.

Lander 4K


A little 4K announcement, which placed first at the combined intro/demo compo at Rewired 2013. This is the fixed version, it should work on AMD and Nvidia cards.

Download it here: Lander4K_by_Fulcrum

You can also see it on YouTube:

Off The Deep 4K

Off The Deep ScreenshotAnd here’s the 4K intro we just released at Revision 2013, in cooperation with Brainstorm. It’s pretty slow though, no cone tracing this time…

Off The Deep by Fulcrum and Brainstorm

Finite Horizon Regret 4K

Here is our contribution to the 4K intro compo at Assembly 2012. It’s been polished quite a bit more than the last 2 contributions. Note that the party version at Assembly contained some bugs that have been fixed here.

Get it here:
Finite Horizon Regret by Fulcrum

Solar Prominence 4K

Solar Prominence screenshot
This was our remote entry for the Rewired 2012 demoparty. Despite being made in a hurry, it managed to place first in the combined intro/demo compo.

You can download it here:

You can also watch a youtube version here, but notice that the quality isn’t remotely as good as the realtime visuals.

Schtrombloxke 4K

A small invitro for the Rewired 2012 demoparty in Belgium. It was released at @party 2012 in Boston, USA.

Get the file:
Schtrombloxke 4K, with nvidia fix

Cone Marching and Mandelbox Fractals seminar

At Revision 2012, I took part in the Lightning Seminars, a new category of seminars that take only 4 to 8 minutes, including Q&A. Since I had trouble keeping my talk in that short a timeframe, I had to cut a few slides, and postpone questions until after the other talks.

I promised to make a longer version of my slides available here, so you can download them here:

If this helps you to implement cone marching in your own demos or intros, a greeting would be appreciated.