My First 4K Intro

This is our contribution to the Under Construction 2017 combined 4K/64K compo. It’s a not-so-serious party production, hope you’ll like it!

Download it here: My First 4K Intro by Fulcrum

Steel Yard (Monarchahedron 6k soundtrack)

I’ve gotten some great feedback on Steel Yard, my soundtrack for the Monarchahedron 6k demo that won 1st at Demosplash 2017. So I thought I’d put it up here as an mp3. Enjoy!

Steel Yard (Monarchahedron 6k Soundtrack 2017)

Monarchahedron 6K

This is our contribution to the Demosplash 2017 Modern compo. It placed 1st out of 6 entries. You can download the executable here: Monarchahedron_6K_By_Fulcrum
If you don’t have a fairly fast videocard or prefer to watch it on YouTube, go here.

Shoot The Core 1K

This is our contribution to the Assembly 2017 1K intro compo. You can download the executable here:
Shoot The Core 1k By Fulcrum

In The Grim Future 8K

This is our contribution to the Revision 2016 8K intro competition, it placed 6th out of 11. Be warned that it needs a extremely fast video card, and it has an extremely long shader compilation time on Nvidia cards (5 minutes on a slow laptop), although tjhat is only the first time you run it, then it is in the shader cache. On AMD, it’s less extreme but still close to a minute.

Download the executable here: In The Grim Future by Fulcrum

Watch it on YouTube here

Naughty Or Nice 4K

Naughty Or Nice 4KThis is our yearly Christmas contribution to the Under Construction 2014 party.

Download link: Naughty Or Nice 4K by Fulcrum

Escape Through Subspace 1K


This is our contribution to the Assembly 2016 1K competition, where it took the 1st place. You need quite a powerful graphic card to run it in realtime. (RX 470 level for 720p version, GTX 1080 for the 1080p version). There is some making-of information in the readme.txt in the archive.

Feedback welcome on the Pouet page:

You can watch a recording on Youtube:

Download the archive with executable party and safe versions here:
Escape Through Subspace 1K by Fulcrum (nvidia fix)

And for those who are curious how this was doen: the fully documented shader code is now available: ETS_source

Loading Complete 8K

Aim pushbot carefully.

This is the final version of our contribution to the Revision 2016 8K intro compo, where it placed 4th. You need a fairly powerful videocard to run it (2 GB ram, 80 GB/sec bandwidth, about as fast as a AMD 7850).

You can download it here: Loading Complete by Fulcrum (final)
On Youtube:
On Pouet:

4K Compo Stocking Filler

4K Compo Stocking Filler

Here’s a little party-coded compofiller 4K for the Under Construction 2015 demoparty. I was aiming for a more realistic Christmas tree, but the result has tons of raymarch glitches and runs very slow… Still, the audience appreciated it for what it was. Huge thanks to Skyrunner/Brain Control for helping out with the music in a hurry.

Get the executable here: 4K Compo Stocking Filler by Fulcrum

8k Reality – The Soundtrack

Along with Seven’s write up on coding an 8k, I did a write up on the 8k Reality soundtrack. Read it here.