And here’s the 4K intro we just released at Revision 2013, in cooperation with Brainstorm. It’s pretty slow though, no cone tracing this time…
Category: Productions
Mar 30 2013
Off The Deep 4K
Aug 04 2012
Finite Horizon Regret 4K
Here is our contribution to the 4K intro compo at Assembly 2012. It’s been polished quite a bit more than the last 2 contributions. Note that the party version at Assembly contained some bugs that have been fixed here.
Get it here:
Finite Horizon Regret by Fulcrum
Jul 11 2012
Solar Prominence 4K
This was our remote entry for the Rewired 2012 demoparty. Despite being made in a hurry, it managed to place first in the combined intro/demo compo.
You can download it here:
You can also watch a youtube version here, but notice that the quality isn’t remotely as good as the realtime visuals.
Jun 17 2012
Schtrombloxke 4K
A small invitro for the Rewired 2012 demoparty in Belgium. It was released at @party 2012 in Boston, USA.
Get the file:
Schtrombloxke 4K, with nvidia fix
Apr 07 2012
Fractus 4K
Mar 21 2012
Kung Fu Apparition – Music by Coplan
This is a song I’ve been working on ever since I switched to Renoise, but the last components didn’t really fall into place until very recently. It’s a trance tune with some influences from the goa trance scene (though far more western). I had a lot of fun with it and it’s been a rewarding project. But there is such a thing as hanging around too long. So this past weekend, I went through and wrapped it up. Check it out, I think you’ll like it.
Meanwhile, Renoise 2.8 just came out with a bunch of new features. And here I am with already a half dozen ideas in my mind.
Get the Files:
Jan 15 2012
3/4 Delusion – Party Version (With ATI Fix)
We’ve released a new demo: The 3/4 Delusion
It took 3rd place at The Ultimate Meeting, 2011
- Code: Seven
- Music Score: Coplan
- Sound Editing: Psitron
Sep 14 2010
Terre Haute – Music by El Blanco
This short little tune was the one I made for our 4k intro “Bait” which we entered @ Assembly 2010. Ultimately, we decided to go with Coplan’s tune for the intro which is thematically *much* better for an intro with a story about a giant alien space station that eats planets. But I thought I should release this anyways.
It’s 100% 4klang which is an amazing little piece of software. It’s my first real go at using this thing, so I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Get the .4kp file from if you want to hear this thing. Otherwise hunt and poke around as I pretty much just used the presets.
Get the Files:
Sep 12 2010
Packard – Music By El Blanco
Packard : 3:04
Greetz to fulcrum peeps.
I guess I got inspired by a really great sounding DSK VSTis ( There are some super gems in there. My favs are the Analog Matrix and the Asian Dreamz which I somehow managed to combine into this tune.
I’m really super happy at how this turned out, using a Chinese Pipa in the second half really breathed something into this when I got stuck trying to figure out what to do. As soon as I added that instrument, the rest of the song literally fell together.
Get The Files:
Sep 12 2010
Eketorp – Music by El Blanco
Eketorp : 3:36
note:if you want to listen to this in MT2 (*and* you happen to have all the VST(i)s, you have to turn arpegiation off in z3ta+ #5, no idea why it won’t stay off…).
Anyways, I cooked up this little old-skool demo-style tune for seven and our upcoming demo. The focus was on a nice traditional demo-scene style tune, with fast beats, funky bases, over the top synth leads and the rest. But I had to keep it short and sweet to fit within the lenght of the demo.
Came out better than I hoped, plus it has a nice updated sound which I’m happy about.
Other features: first tune that I really spent any time messing around with VSTs for effects. I have a distortion VST, a chorus, a compressor, some other stuff.
Get The Tune: