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- Escape Through Subspace 1K — 1 comments
Jun 17 2012
A small invitro for the Rewired 2012 demoparty in Belgium. It was released at @party 2012 in Boston, USA.
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Schtrombloxke 4K, with nvidia fix
Apr 14 2012
At Revision 2012, I took part in the Lightning Seminars, a new category of seminars that take only 4 to 8 minutes, including Q&A. Since I had trouble keeping my talk in that short a timeframe, I had to cut a few slides, and postpone questions until after the other talks.
I promised to make a longer version of my slides available here, so you can download them here:
If this helps you to implement cone marching in your own demos or intros, a greeting would be appreciated.
Apr 07 2012
Jan 15 2012
We’ve released a new demo: The 3/4 Delusion
It took 3rd place at The Ultimate Meeting, 2011
Aug 07 2010
Well, here’s the Bait 4K we released at Assembly 2010. Too bad the soundsystem at the compo mangled the music pretty bad :( Still, I’m quite happy about the progress we made. It’s the first production that I don’t want to change much after the release. Be warned, it needs a pretty heavy videocard (raymarching, yes).
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